Rothco NATO Camo Paint Stick Woodland Camo
Rothco’s NATO Camo Pain Sticks come with two colors each for the perfect camouflage effect. Available in Woodland (Light Green And Loam Color Camo Stick) | Jungle (Black And Olive Color Camo Stick) | and Foliage (Green And Urban Color Camo Stick).
Color: Woodland CamoRothco's NATO Camo Paint Sticks come with two colors on each side for the perfect camouflage effect. Available in Woodland (Light Green And Loam Color Camo Stick) | Jungle (Black And Olive Color Camo Stick) | and Foliage (Green And Urban Color Camo Stick). The military-style camo face paint is great for tactical and military operations, hunting, outdoor, and Halloween.